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Trendy Tuesdays: Velvet

Happy Tuesday Ladies! It sure felt more like a Monday getting up this morning due in part to the cooler temps making it harder to get out of bed in the mornings and partly for the fact that I've finally gotten back into running and my body sure is feeling it today. Between my lingering cough and bad knee I almost didn't go for a run last night, but I toughed it out and my cough wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be so it looks like I can get back to easing my knee into it after all. Yay!

And since it's Tuesday I'm continuing on with my Trendy Tuesday series and today we're covering velvet! Velvet has made a comeback and I feel much like I feel about the chenille trend about it. I love it! In moderation of course. I TRY to stick to one trend at a time to not look like a complete disaster, but occasionally that rule can be broken.

AND I especially love the velvet trend when it comes to home decor. I am DYING for a velvet duvet cover. I can imagine many cozy nights (and Tuesday mornings that feel like Mondays) under a warm velvet duvet.

I love the look of velvet in deep jewel tones and grays. Nothing screams cozy to me as much as gray velvet. Check out below what my recent favorite velvet finds are and help me on my quest for the perfect velvet duvet for the season!

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