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Get the look for less!

A new year calls for new home decor! It is such a sad day for me when I have to take down all of my Christmas decorations. The long stretch of cold months ahead suddenly seem like a dark, dull tunnel. This year avoid that disappointing feeling and get excited for a new opportunity to decorate! I get such a warm feeling in my stomach when my home is well decorated and that feeling is even sweeter when I know that I didn't spend a fortune! So as you're taking down your Christmas decor don't fret, take it as an opportunity to start your year out fresh. Holiday decor isn't the only decor you should be getting excited about!

Adding small but bold touches to your home can have a huge impact. I picked out three of my favorite items that I've been eyeing recently and found more affordable options to beat that dreaded guilt (and make your hubby happy) Can you tell which is the cheaper alternative? Continue reading to find out which is which
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