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June Summer Reading List

The Mother-In-Law
Sally Hepworth

Whew. This story! Sally Hepworth is the queen of creating a twisted story that is anything but predictable. If you loved The Family Next Door then you are surely going to love The Mother-In- Law. We all know the difficult relationships of the wife and the mother-in-law. Whether we are lucky (ahem-not so lucky) enough to have her in our own family or we have a friend who has stories of her own, we all know THAT mother-in-law. And while some might secretly imagine a stampede of wild elephants smashing her into a pancake or a mysterious explosion sending her into oblivion, nobody actually means it. Right? But what happens when that is exactly what becomes reality? That is exactly what this story dives into. It’s complicated, it’s heart wrenching, and it leaves you scratching your head. This was such a fun story to dive into and watch unfold. And maybe, just maybe, you will come into it with a new appreciation of your own mother-in-law (unless yours is worse. Then let me sign up to be the first to read your own book)

One Summer in Paris
Sarah Morgan

One Summer in Paris is a heartwarming story of two women at a crossroads in completely different stages of their lives who become unexpected friends and end up having a lot more in common than they could have ever imagined. What better place is there for a new awakening than Paris? With each others support these women learn how to trust, open up, and reach inside themselves for strength. It's a beautiful story full or romance, heartbreak and whimsy.

The Promise of Us
Jamie Beck

Jamie Beck is easily one of my favorite authors out there right now. I came in to The Promise of Us without having read the first book (I'm not sure how I missed it!) and was worried I would be a little be lost, but each book focuses on a different character and there are enough details thrown in throughout the book that summarize the first book that it's pretty easy to just jump right in. The Promise of Us tells a charming story of Claire Mckenna who has known her share of heartbreak and disappointments after tragedy changed her life and her best friend ran off with her longtime boyfriend. She lives her life comfortably, but shrouded by fear and is happy to do so until somebody comes along and makes her question everything. Can she spread her wings a little bit and finally live? Should she? I think this story will surely speak to any reader and challenge us to get out of our comfort zone sometimes and do something unexpected no matter how scary it is at the time.

The Invited
Jennifer McMahon

I took a bit of a departure from my usual style of books with The Invited and really enjoyed it. This is a haunting tale of witchcraft and ghosts and is certain to keep you interested to the last page!

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