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Fabulous Friday Lust List and Fall Season Goals

Happy Friday friends! We made it through another week! At the beginning of every season I like to set some goals for myself  and since it finally feels like fall I felt like this was the perfect time to set mine for the season. I have a whole bunch already jotted down for business goals, but I wanted to share a couple of personal ones with you today and encourage you to set some for yourself as well.

I've never been a big believer in setting New Years Resolutions because I feel you are more likely to accomplish a goal when you feel strongly about it rather than picking just some specific day to start. So setting goals is a regular thing that I do to keep on top of what I want to achieve both professionally and personally. Whether it be April or a Tuesday, when I have a goal I start it then and there. But then I also like to take some time every season to reflect and find places where I can improve and then I work on that for the next few months. I find that it feels much more attainable than setting one huge goal and spending the entire year trying to stick to it because lets face it, nobody does. Seasonal goals are my baby steps.

So here's what I'm working on this season

I work from home and love to be in comfort so workout clothes and leggings are pretty much an everyday staple and I LOVE this, but there is also something great about actually putting on a pair of jeans and putting a little extra effort into my hair instead of the usual pass with a straightener or quick curl so I'm going to aim for at least 3 full hair-makeup-outfit days a week. It makes me feel good to put effort into myself, but I also enjoy comfort so I'm meeting myself halfway on this one.

Healthy eating. Not that I've been eating badly, but I have lost my love of a good ol salad and that's my fault for losing interest. I strongly believe loving healthy foods is a frame of mind and lately I haven't had it. With everything going on I've been needing comfort wherever I can get it and I have used food as an excuse to receive it. "Oh it's ok if I have pie because I had a bad day" has become a part of my life too much lately and I want to go back to that being a treat rather than a comfort.

Running. I used to love running. But when I moved to a town with awful air quality my long outdoor runs became short ones and then eventually I started having knee problems and then I just used them as excuses to give it up. I am not a lover of the treadmill and enjoy running among the trees so I am going to find a way to make my runs a regular thing again. Even if it means short 2 mile runs with a knee brace.

But in the mean time here's the items in my shopping carts that are giving me all the heart eyes this week. I'm in need of a versatile fall bag and have my eyes on these Tory Burch options, but I can't decide if I want a large tote or a crossbody since I have gotten quite used to the smaller size. Thoughts?

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