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Meet Kitty!

I realized I hadn't done a proper blog introduction for Kitty and I feel so ashamed! She is the heart of our family and as we approach our first anniversary with her in our lives I wanted to share her story.

First and foremost we must address her name. Kitty. Not the most creative of names, but there's a reason. Kitty was never supposed to be our cat. We were never supposed to get attached. 

She was a stray that showed up outside one day and was laying under a bush. Being the animal lover that I am, I walked over and tried to engage her, but she was frightened and ran off.

The next day she was under that bush again. This went on for about a week, and my heart broke for her. 

I like to keep a bag of cat food to feed strays, so I filled up a bowl with food and another with water and approached her. Again, she ran off, but she looked so hungry that I left the bowls under the bush for her for if she returned. 

She did return and she began living in our bush. She began to trust us and allowed us to pet her and hold her and we fell in love. She was the most affectionate cat we had ever encountered. She would run over to us and flop onto the ground so we could shower her with love. She would wait but the door in the morning, sit on the front porch all day, and she'd be sitting and ready to greet us when we got home in the driveway. She immediately had this fun personality that just clicked with us. By this point we had grown so accustomed to calling her Kitty that it just didn't feel right to change it. So she remained Kitty.

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 Kitty waiting for us to get home ON THE ROOF

Because we weren't sure where she came from or if she belonged to anybody else, we still remained cautiously optimistic. But as weeks went on it grew more and more obvious as we asked around that she didn't have a home. We were her home. And as the weather turned more chilly we had a decision to make. It was one chilly evening and she found her way onto the ledge of our window and she began scratching it so we could let her in. And the rest is history.

The first time she let me pick her up

She has filled our lives with so much love that we had no idea could come from a cat. Our lives were changed when she walked into our lives and we finally understand what people mean when they say that their fur baby is a part of the family. She greets us with kisses and keeps us on our toes with her playful ways. She's a blessing and we spoil the heck out of her, but as I say all the time "It's ok because she's not a child so her being spoiled doesn't affect anybody". That's the excuse I tell myself anyway!

Stay tuned for an entire post about all of Kitty's favorite things!
Also follow Kitty on Instagram to keep up with her shenanigans

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