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My Picks from Target's Opalhouse Release

I had been waiting for Target to release their Opalhouse for SO long. I haven't been very impressed with a lot of the recent hyped up collections from Hearth and Home and was really itching for some unique pieces so when I first saw a sneak peek of Opalhouse a couple of months ago I nearly lost my shizz. Ok I totally lost my shizz. How freaking amazing is this collection? It is so quirky and feels very much like pieces you would expect from Anthropologie for much much more.

It has been really difficult to not empty out my bank account and just buy everything. Everyday I go back to the site and convince myself I "need" another pie!ce for my home because how tragic would it be to suddenly see the words SOLD OUT, right?

So I put together a list of my favorites. Some I already ordered or picked up, some I have every intention of eventually picking up, and a few I just love so much and am contemplating completely redecorating so that they will go with me decor.


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