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Dairy & Gluten Free Loves

Keeping up with a restrictive diet when you're busy or stressed can be extremely difficult. I find myself constantly craving indulgent foods to bring me comfort. (Hello tub of ice cream) And since I have very little time to prep meals these days I have been struggling daily to stay on track, but there are a few items that have made things a little bit easier. I'm sharing those with you today and how I enjoy them!

I love a good bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and pecans, but what I love even more are banana & oatmeal waffles. I make these at least once a week! They are super easy and fast to make. I recently picked up a mini waffle iron so I'm able to make them perfectly sized for me which strangely makes me super excited. Let me know if you've like that recipe. But I digress. When I went gluten free I knew I had to find a quality oatmeal that didn't sacrifice flavor or texture in my waffles. I found this one and have been using it ever since!

This is one that is going to either be a hit or miss for you. To me they tasted like puff chips for a baby with very little flavor and a lot left to be desired. My boyfriend, however, who is more picky than I am especially with healthy foods, actually really enjoyed these. So don't immediately write these off just because I told you so 😜

Spearmint Tea
I  have been drinking fresh spearmint tea since I was a kid to help ease the stomach aches I've always been plagued with. I also just drink it because I love the minty flavor in the morning. For some reason though it is nearly impossible to find plain spearmint tea at the grocery stores. People are really missing out on a good thing. Spearmint is fantastic for easing upset stomachs and nausea. More stores really need to put this on their shelves! If I had a green thumb I would grow a spearmint plant so I could make it fresh like my mom used to, but alas I can't get a thing to grow. I finally managed to find it on Amazon so I order it in bulk now so I never run out. Spearmint tea is a MUST in my home. Maybe one day I'll learn to grow it, but lets not hold our breaths for now

Dandelion Tea 
I tried this one by chance. One of my Republic Of Tea catalogs had this as a bonus sample and I actually put off trying it for a little while. Nothing about dandelions sounds the least bit appetizing to me. Eventually I did try it though and my tastebuds had quite the surprise. It had an almost caramel like flavor that I LOVE. Definitely my kind of comforting tea

Balsamic Glaze
I love this in a caprese salad (without the cheese waaaah) or on sautéed mushrooms. It makes simple dishes super delicious

Eat Smart Cook Book
I realize this is a book and not actually food, but it was just released in the US and I've been very excited about it. Although this is a vegan cookbook and not gluten free, it is easy to switch out products for those free of gluten. Niomi Smart is a Youtuber I have been watching for close to a year  and I enjoy tuning in to her videos mainly because of the way she eats. Is that weird? She is Vegan and very health conscious, but she is able to make delicious and filling meals to fit her lifestyle. This is a great cookbook to create lots of recipes that are not only delicious (and obviously dairy free), but really easy to make as well. Score!

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