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Instagram Outfit Roundup

This was such an exciting week! Beauty and the Beast came out and it is MAGICAL! Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite Disney movie by far. It was only recently that I realized why. Belle taught me so much at an early age that really shaped me as the woman I am today. It was because of her fearlessness to want more even though it made her an outcast. She wasn't afraid to be herself regardless of the cost. I often talk to my hunny about how growing up I never fit in. I was teased for loving to learn and couldn't relate to all the people around me who were perfectly fine to just always settle. Yet through that I didn't care. Nothing stopped me from being myself or even spending a second contemplating it and I never understood why until now. It was because of Belle! She made me feel like that was ok. Being different was ok.

And that stayed with me into my young adult years. While everybody around me was getting married and having kids in their early 20s, all I wanted to do was go to college and have a great career. I've always been able to hold true to who I am and what I want out of life and I have Beauty and the Beast to thank for that. For so many years I didn't quite understand just how much that movie meant to my 6 year old, 13 year old, 23, and now 28 year old self, but now that I do I can't help but love it even more. It's the type of movie all little girls should learn from. Where the girl isn't rescued by the prince and is sure of who she is without the help of anyone.

If you haven't gone to the movies yet to watch the new Beauty and the Beast adaption then I really suggest that you do. I cannot recommend the movie enough. It is the perfect blend of the charming Beauty and the Beast we know and love and the beauty and elegance of Marie Antoinette. I'm ready to go watch it again!

What I wore this week:
From above:

              Off Shoulder TopRebecca Minkoff BagSteve Madden WedgesSimilar Jeans

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