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Influenster #SproutVoxbox Orgain Protein Freebie

I recently received the Sprout Vox Box from Influenster full of goodies for people who are vegan, have diet restrictions, or are just trying to live a more green lifestyle. Yay! I am not vegan, but I live a very healthy lifestyle and due to digestion issues try to eat a lot of plant based products so this seemed like a perfect fit.

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I've been a part of many different Vox Box programs through Influenster and the boxes are always amazing! This one, however, disappointed me from the moment that I opened it. Not for the variety of products which is actually great, but because of the size of some of the products. 

Now, if you don't know what Influenster is let me explain it to you. You get chosen for campaigns based on your interests and influence over social media so the more products you show interest in and the bigger your social media following the more likely to get chosen for boxes. Once you are chosen for a campaign you will receive a product or a variety of products based on the theme of that box. You then share your thoughts through social media. Simple! If you haven't signed up and would like to you can do so HERE

The whole point of Influenster is to share your honest thoughts a products. As you can see from above most of the products that were sent to me were TINY one time use SAMPLES. Now I love samples, but I cannot be truthful in recommending (or not recommending) any product based on a one time use. I have to feel a product out and try it in different situations in order to feel like I truly gave it a shot and if I can't do that then I cannot in good conscience make any sort of recommendation either way.

As you can see from the pic above I received a one load packet of Ecos Laundry detergent (free of chemicals), sample packets of Hairfood shampoo and conditioner, Orgain Protein sample pack, Full size (thank you!) Eat Smart garlic and hummus tortilla chips, and a ill size (yay! thanks) Curate bar.

Lets talk about the Orgain Protein today. First off, as if it wasn't disappointing enough to be expected to make a review of the product based on a one time use, but as I was reading the nutrition facts I was pretty irritated to find that this actually is a sample pack with only 1/2 of a full serving. If they wanted to me sample the product then a half serving is fine, but I am expected to REVIEW the product based on 1/2 of a serving. I can't do that.

What I can say is based on just the facts. If you have issues with dairy as I do and were looking for a lactose free protein powder then this is a good option. The taste is great and in my opinion better than most of the whey protein powders I used in the past. 

Since I can't really review it for you I will do something better. How would you like to try a sample for yourself? Click here to claim your own sample. If it says they're out keep checking back since they keep restocking!

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